Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Fine Art of Negotiation through Language Training

One of the areas of business where corporate language training can contribute significantly is in the fine art of negotiation. In order to understand how, let’s review what negotiation is.

To negotiate is to seek a compromise; however, to compromise is not to lose face. Once you accept this fact, you are on the right path to become a successful negotiator. In fact, the essence of successful negotiations is the willingness to compromise. This holds true for every facet of life - marriage, shopping, and even, business decisions. Hence, it is imperative that you learn the secrets of successful negotiation.

The first step is to establish clearly defined objectives and list them. Next, you need to prioritize the items on this list depending on their relative importance to you and your company. After listing and prioritizing objectives, the next step while planning negotiations is determining where and when to negotiate. While initial contact may be through email or telephone, you must meet in person to take the proposal forward. The first communication during initial contact need not be elaborate; it may be even be a simple message expressing your desire to meet to discuss future orders or cost reductions.

If you are trained in a language in which your client or your supplier speak natively, you can be sure you will be treated with more respect and understanding than someone who doesn’t. Also, since you know the language, the other party won’t be able to confer secretly in your presence. All these increase your chances of success at the negotiating table.

Now that we have established the importance of corporate training, it is necessary to know where such language teaching takes place. If you are in Chile, look no further than EES Executive English Solutions (http://www.ees.cl/) for all your corporate training needs.

English vs Chinese. Which is Most Used?

English, is the most widely used language in the world. Although a greater number  the world´s population speak Spanish and Mandarin  as their  native languages, if you were to take and combine these numbers and compare them to  those who speak English as a second on third language, English is the number one most spoken language in the world. Additionally, it is the most spoken  language of the two most important economies – the United States of America and the European Union – and is therefore , the most important language for international business and travel.
Hence, it is clear that professionals of all should have a handle on their English commutations skills to achieve business success. This is very much the case today with business crossing geographical boundaries, where English commonly acts as liaison between different countries and cultures. Today´s world economy  burgeoned the demand for English courses Business English course in particular. This ever increasing demand for business English education has resulted in a surfeit of executive training firms. However, like men, not all training firms are equal.
How can you differentiate a premier executive training firm from the others?  Most important is  its record and  staff.  A language training organization which has a proven track record, consistent successes in imparting business English education and employs only certified and experienced trainers, should be your  choice . EES Executive English Solutions is one such premier South American executive training firm in Chile.
However, EES offers courses around the globe. It is partner with centers in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and Malta as well. EES is backed by over a decade of experience and  is staffed exclusively  by CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults), TEFL (Teacher of English as a Foreign Language)  or TESOL (Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages) instructors.  EES is  a wise, no risk choice when choosing a training provider.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Learning Spanish for Business in Chile

Quick, can you tell which language is the most widely-spoken native language in the world? If you said “English”, you are very much mistaken. Not only is it not No. 1 in the list, it is not even the runner-up. Mandarin Chinese, spoken natively by around 800 million people, and Spanish, with 358 million native speakers, occupy the top two spots, with English following at 350 million native speakers. Thus, although English is the international language of business, there’s no denying the importance of other languages.

While Mandarin is largely restricted to China, Spanish is spoken across multiple countries. Other than the 380 million native speakers, Spanish is spoken by an additional 37 million people as their second or third languages. With its global footprint and immense popularity, learning Spanish for business makes a lot of business sense.

This is especially true if one does business in Central and South America. It is a strange phenomenon than although there is only one country in Europe where Spanish is the official language, not unexpectedly Spain, it’s in Central and South America that the language is most popular. In fact, it’s the official language in 20 sovereign states, only one of them outside the region.

However, Spanish’s importance as a language of business is no longer restricted to Central and South America. Even in the United States, its popularity is growing exponentially due to the increasing visibility of the Hispanic community. Therefore, even in the world’s largest market, Spanish for business is important.

If you are looking to learn Spanish for business, you cannot go wrong with Executive English Solutions (EES http://www.ees.cl/). In spite of the “English” in its name, EES is equally adept at teaching both languages. The courses are especially tailored to meet the requirements of busy business executives, and can be the first step towards greater success in business.

Business English Courses at EES Chile

English, for all intents and purposes, is the language of the world. Even though more people speak Mandarin Chinese and Spanish as native languages, if all speakers around the world are considered, especially those who speak English as a second on third language, English will be at the top. Moreover, it is the most popular language in the two most powerful engines of the modern world – the United States of America and the European Union – and hence, the most important language for international business.

Therefore, it is obvious that executives of all levels need to be fluent in English to ensure business success. This is especially relevant today with business crossing geographical boundaries, where often, the bridge between different countries and disparate cultures is the English language. When there is a demand, there will obviously be a supply; hence, this demand for business English education has resulted in a surfeit of executive training firms. However, like men, not all training firms are equal.

What differentiates a premier executive training firm from the rest are its record and its staff. If the firm has a record of consistent successes in imparting business English education, and if its staff includes certified and experienced trainers, then it may be a wise choice to invest in its business English course offerings. Executive English Solutions (EES http://www.ees.cl/) is one such premier executive firm in Chile.

However, its course offerings are not restricted to one country alone. It has centers in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand as well. Backed by years of experience and staffed by instructors with CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults), TEFL (Teacher of English as a Foreign Language) and TESOL (Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages) certifications, EES is the ideal place to learn English for business.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Speaking the Language

You must have heard the expression, “speaking their language.” When teenagers complain that their parents do not understand them, they said the older generation does not “speak their language.” When factory union workers agitate against management, they are often reported to be “speaking in different languages.” Wouldn’t business be easier if you could always speak the language of the person you interact with? With expert corporate language training, you can.

So, what are the languages you should get trained on? Well, that entirely depends on your needs, especially the places where you do business and the people you do business with. For all practical purposes, English is the language of business, and hence, all executives should be proficient (if not fluent) in this language. Also, to add to that, if you are doing business in Chile or any place in South America, knowledge of Spanish is a must.

Learning a language for business involves much more than memorizing some common expressions, such as greetings or appreciative remarks. While it may take years to understand the subtle nuances of any language, with the proper language teaching guidance, enough can be learned in mere months to suffice for most business interactions.

When you speak the client’s language, both literally and figuratively, you not only forge a personal bond but also show that you care. In other words, learning a language is a demonstration of dedication. Also, it helps you in difficult situations like contract negotiations where inability to understand a language can give the opposing party the upper hand. Thus, expertise in languages can make you an expert in business.

Therefore, if you want to know where such expert English courses and Spanish courses are offered, you should certainly check out Executive English Solutions (ww.ees.cl). We are confident you won’t be disappointed.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Choosing an English Language Training Firm

English, is the most widely used language in the world. Although a greater number  the world´s population speak Spanish and Mandarin  as their  native languages, if you were to take and combine these numbers and compare them to  those who speak English as a second on third language, English is the number one most spoken language in the world. Additionally, it is the most spoken  language of the two most important economies – the United States of America and the European Union – and is therefore , the most important language for international business and travel.

Hence, it is clear that professionals of all should have a handle on their English commutations skills to achieve business success. This is very much the case today with business crossing geographical boundaries, where English commonly acts as liaison between different countries and cultures. Today´s world economy  burgeoned the demand for English courses Business English course in particular. This ever increasing demand for business English education has resulted in a surfeit of executive training firms. However, like men, not all training firms are equal.

How can you differentiate a premier executive training firm from the others?  Most important is  its record and  staff.  A language training organization which has a proven track record, consistent successes in imparting business English education and employs only certified and experienced trainers, should be your  choice . EES Executive English Solutions is one such premier South American executive training firm in Santiago, Chile.

However, EES not only offers courses in Chile, but also around the globe. It is partnered with centers in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and Malta as well. EES is backed by over a decade of experience, ISO9001 quality Certifcation and  is staffed exclusively  by CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults), TEFL (Teacher of English as a Foreign Language)  or TESOL (Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages) qualified instructors.  EES is  a wise, no risk choice when choosing a training provider.